mimi alexander

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Time to Unplug a Class?
4/4/2017 1:51pm

You know this whole VEKLOR THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS thing has started to creep me out, so I decided to just pretend he doesn't exist. And I t's been working out great! I did stub my toe really bad on his ego (which was parked on the sidewalk in front of the gym), and accidentally fell into the giant pit left by his absence of compassion and twisted my ankle. And, because I am refusing to believe in his reality, totally bonked my head on his ability to incite.

Sure, if I chose to believe in him I might have seen these things coming, but for now I've decided it's healthier for me to live this way.

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Time to Unplug a Class?
4/2/2017 9:46pm

Yeah there are some people it just doesn't make any sense to argue with, because you know you're never going to change their minds.They're not even willing to try and look at things differently. I feel like VEKLOR THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS is one of those people.

Couldn't @GROTTO G.S.M. INC. just have VEKLOR THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS committed to a Ghost Server or something? Or lose his seat assignment? Drain his brain account?

Time to Unplug a Class?
3/19/2017 9:39pm

Yeah VEKLOR THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS is bad news. I heard he got kicked out of Mystic High, Satanic High, and Mildly Precognitive High before coming here. But he gets a whole new identity each time he changes jobs - which means a whole new body and life history and backstory and everything, so he's hard to trace.